Dušan Zdravković
This object is ME!
Snežana Milosavljević
Framed postcard
Ana Milosavljević
Lumberjack shirt
Milan Stanojević
History textbook for seventh grade of primary school
Ivan Živković
Film posters
Stevan Hartig
Sign for hitchhiking
Vladimir Đurić
Insulated wire strippers
Sanja Vrzić
Dante's Inferno
Sanja Stamenković
Coupons for survival
Slavica Veličković
Badge from demonstration (passerby)
Dragan Veličković
Rule book of the Serbian Renewal Movement (SPO)
Stipan Milodanović
Poster for the 2nd Yugoslav festival of cheap movies
Mile Tasić
Cloths hanger
Ninoslav Šćepanović
Miroslav Pušin